Java Servlets and JSP - Build Java EE(JEE) app in 25 Steps
Servlets and JSP Tutorial for Beginners
"It's so easy to follow and you learn seamlessly by examples"
"Simple and perfect. I would recommend for any one who wants to begin Java web development"
"I'd strongly recommend to all the beginners to go through this tutorial. It helps in clearing side dish technologies for Java. The quality is good and the instructor really explained very clearly. Thanks!"
"Perfect for a beginner to understand the basics & to continue interest in web application development !! Thanks :)"
Course Description
Developing your first Java Web Application using JSP and Servlets is fun.
In this course, you will learn the basics developing a Basic Todo Management Application using Java Servlets and JSP with Login and Logout functionalities.
You will build a Dynamic Website using the Core technologies of Java Web Programming. You will understand the basic concepts of Java Web Application Development - HTTP protocol, Request-Response cycle, Java Servlets, JSPs.
You will build the website step by step - in more than 25 steps. This course would be a perfect first step as an introduction to Java Web Application Development.
We will be using Tomcat Web Server and Eclipse IDE. We will help you set these up.
You will learn
- Basic Web Application Architecture - Model 1 and Model 2 MVC
- Basics of Java EE - Servlets, JSP, Scriptlets, JSTL, web dot xml and EL
- Basic Flow of a Web Application, Forms, Request and Response
- Basics of creating a Web Page using CSS and HTML
- Basics of using Maven, Tomcat and Eclipse
- Difference between Session and Request Scopes
- Step 01 : Up and running with a Web Application in Tomcat
- Step 02 : First JSP
- Step 03 : Adding a Get Parameter name
- Step 04 : Adding another Get Parameter Password
- Step 05 : Let's add a form
- Step 06 : New Form and doPost
- Step 07 : Adding Password and Validation of User Id / Password combination
- Step 08 : Adding a TodoService and Todos to welcome page
- Step 09 : Bit of Refactoring - Packages
- Step 10 : Redirect from One Servlet to another - New TodoServlet.
- Step 11 : First JSTL Tag : Using a Loop around todos
- Step 12 : Difference between Session and Request Scopes
- Step 13 : Add a New Todo
- Step 14 : Delete Todo with equals and hashcode methods
- Step 15 : Adding webjars for jquery and bootstrap
- Step 16 : Missing Step :) We want you to take a break. Nothing in here..
- Step 17 : Updating Bootstrap to 3.3.6
- Step 18 : More Refactoring
- Step 19 : Adding a Filter for More Security.
- Step 20 : Logout
- Step 21 : Theory : Understand Maven and Tomcat
- Step 22 : Theory : Servlet LifeCycle
- Step 23 : Theory : Model 1 and Model 2 MVC Architectures
- Step 24 : Moving Add Functionality to a New Page.
- Step 25 : Add Category Field
- Step 26 : Format the JSPs better.
- Step 27 : JSP Fragments
We do NOT interact with a Database in this Beginner’s Course.
- You are looking forward to developing your first Java Web Application
- You have some experience with Java Web Applications but did not completely understand the basics
- You want to learn basics of JSP and Servlets
Your Instructor
in28Minutes is the world's leading course provider for Spring Framework with more than 100,000 students pursuing our courses on in28Minutes Platform(, Udemy and YouTube.
Brain child of Ranga Karanam, an Architect with 15 Years of Java programming and design with major banking clients across the world, we started in28Minutes with the aim to create Hands-on Courses with Real World Projects.
We use 80-20 Rule. We discuss 20% things used 80% of time in depth. We touch upon other things briefly equipping you with enough knowledge to find out more on your own.
We love open source and therefore, All our code is open source too and available on Github.
Course Curriculum
StartStep-00-Introduction (1:17)
StartStep-01-Setting-up-Your-First-Web-Application (9:31)
StartStep-01-Theory-1-Maven-and-Magic (6:17)
StartStep-01-Theory-2-What-is-a-Servlet? (2:13)
StartStep-01-Theory-3-Web-Application-Request-Flow (7:33)
StartStart Your Journey from SOAP to REST to Full Stack to Microservices to Cloud in 30 Minutes
StartStep-01-Theory-4-Understand-LoginServlet---@WebServlet,-Url-Patterns,-doGet-and-doPost-LowVolumeAtStart (6:37)
StartStep-02-Create-LoginServlet-From-Scratch-And-Redirect-To-JSP (12:37)
StartStep-02-Theory-Play-Time-Try-breaking-things (3:57)
StartFollow Ranga on LinkedIn for Technology Trends and Updates
StartStep-03-Passing-Request-Parameters-using-Get-Method (9:12)
StartStep-03-Theory-Introduction-and-End-To-Scriptlets (5:14)
StartStep-04-Disadvantages-Of-Get-Parameters (4:05)
StartStep-05-Your-First-Post-Request (6:53)
StartStart with Spring Boot, Docker, Kubernetes and Microservices on YouTube!
StartStep-06-Your-First-Servlet-doPost-Method (5:10)
StartStep-07-Lets-Add-a-Password-Field (9:10)
StartStep-08-Lets-Add-Todos-to-Welcome-Page (8:43)
StartStep-09-Take-A-Breather-and-Refactor (2:45)
StartStep-10-Redirecting-to-Another-Servlet (5:29)
StartStep-11-Your-First-JSTL-Tag (7:53)
StartStep-12-Session-Scope-vs-Request-Scope (7:17)
StartStep-13-Add-new-Todo-Functionality (9:26)
StartStep-14-Add-delete-Todo-Functionality (9:09)
StartStep-15-Import-Bootstrap-and-JQuery-with-Web-Jars (6:25)
StartStep-17-Playing-around-with-Bootstrap (7:09)
StartStep-18-Lets-Clean-up-and-Refactor (6:50)
StartStep-19-Adding-a-Filter (10:56)
StartStep-20-Adding-Logout-Functionality (2:55)
StartStep-21-Lets-understand-Maven-and-Tomcat (4:19)
StartStep-22-Servlet-Life-Cycle (3:25)
StartStep-23-Model-1-and-Model-2-MVC-Architectures (2:58)
StartStep-24-Refactoring-Add-Functionality-to-New-Servlet (5:40)
StartStep-25-Adding-Category-Field (15:02)
StartStep-26-Using-JSP-Fragments-for-Header,-Navigation-and-Footer (5:54)
StartStep-99-Next-Steps (0:32)
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